Default tokenization

Specifies the default tokenization options that should be used when searching or indexing when tokenization options are not explicitly specified for an object type.

Example usage

var index = new FullTextIndexBuilder<int>()
    .WithDefaultTokenization(o =>o
        .AccentInsensitive(true) // Default
        .CaseInsensitive(true) // Default
        .SplitOnPunctuation(true) // Default
        .SplitOnCharacters('%', '#', '@')
        .IgnoreCharacters('<', '>')

TokenizerBuilder methods

Text Normalization


Configures the tokenizer to ignore certain characters as it is parsing input. Ignoring characters will prevent them from acting as split characters, so care needs to be taken that your source text doesn’t words delimited only by ignored characters, otherwise you may end up unexpectedly joining search terms into one. For example, ignoring the ' character will mean that O'Reilly will be tokenized as OReilly, but if your source text also contains she said'hello' then she and saidhello will treated as tokens.


true: Default The tokenizer will normalize characters with diacritics to common form. e.g. aigües and aigues will be equivalent. Additionally, characters that can be logically expressed as two characters are expanded, e.g. laering will be equivalent to læring.

false: The tokenizer will be accent sensitive. Searching for aigües will not match aigues.


true: Default The tokenizer will normalize all characters to uppercase. e.g. Cat and cat will be equivalent.

false: The tokenizer will be case sensitive. Searching for Cat will match Cat but not cat.


Words will be stemmed using an implementation of the Porter Stemmer algorithm. For example, ABANDON, ABANDONED and ABANDONING will all be treated as ABANDON. Currently only English is supported.

A custom stemmer can be used by implementing an IStemmer and using WithStemming(new YourStemmerImplementation()).

Word break modifiers

A tokenizer will always break words on separator (Char.IsSeparator) or control (Char.IsControl) characters.


true: Default The tokenizer will split words on punctuation characters (e.g. those that match Char.IsPunctuation(char))

false: Only characters explicitly specified using SplitOnCharacters will be treated as word breaks.

SplitOnCharacters(params char[])

Allows for additional characters to cause word breaks for a tokenizer. E.g. SplitOnCharacters('$', '£').

Last modified January 16, 2024: V6.0.0 (#107) (125ae87)