Key Serialization

The BinarySerializer can automatically handle keys of type String, Int32, UInt32 and Guid. If you need a different type of key in your index, you will need to create a custom implementation of IKeySerializer.

Let’s say you need to index more than one data point against an index:

  • UserId of type Int32
  • CompanyId of type Int16

You would have a class or struct something like this:

public struct CompositeKey
    public CompositeKey(int userId, short companyId)
        this.UserId = userId;
        this.CompanyId = companyId;

    public int UserId { get; }
    public short CompanyId { get; }

Building and populating an index with this type as a key is as easy as ever:

// Create a full text index with a custom key type
var index = new FullTextIndexBuilder<CompositeKey>().Build();

// Index some sample data
await index.AddAsync(new CompositeKey(1, 9), "This is some text associated with A: fizz");
await index.AddAsync(new CompositeKey(2, 9), "Some buzz text for B");
await index.AddAsync(new CompositeKey(3, 11), "Text associated with C is both fizz and buzz");

CompositeKey could also be the key of an object that you want to index. You’d just need to use the configure the FullTextIndexBuilder with the appropriate WithKey call when setting up the object tokenization options.

The only additional work comes when constructing the BinarySerializer - here you need to pass a custom IKeySerializer implementation so that the serializer knows how to read and write the data in your custom key:

// This would error with: No standard key serializer exists for type CompositeKey - 
//    please provide a custom implementation of IKeySerializer<> when serializing/deserializing.
// var serializer = new BinarySerializer<int>();

var serializer = new BinarySerializer<CompositeKey>(new CompositeKeySerializer());
using var stream = new MemoryStream();

Where your custom serializer is defined as:

public class CompositeKeySerializer : IKeySerializer<CompositeKey>
    public void Write(BinaryWriter writer, CompositeKey key)
        writer.Write(key.UserId); // Int32
        writer.Write(key.CompanyId); // Int16

    public CompositeKey Read(BinaryReader reader)
        // The serialization framework will make sure this method is only
        // ever called when a key is ready to be read.
        // Ensure the data is read is read out in exactly the same order and with the same 
        // data types it was written.
        var userId = reader.ReadInt32();
        var companyId = reader.ReadInt16();

        return new CompositeKey(userId, companyId);

And then serialization and deserialization will just work as normal:

// Serialize the index
await serializer.SerializeAsync(index, stream, disposeStream: false);

// Deserialize the index into a new instance
stream.Position = 0;
var newIndex = new FullTextIndexBuilder<CompositeKey>().Build();
await serializer.DeserializeAsync(newIndex, stream, disposeStream: false);

// Prove that the new index has the same contents and the keys have round-tripped
// Emits: only (3, 11) contains Fizz & Buzz
var match = newIndex.Search("fizz & buzz").Single();
Console.WriteLine($"Only ({match.Key.UserId}, {match.Key.CompanyId}) contains Fizz & Buzz");
Last modified January 16, 2024: V6.0.0 (#107) (125ae87)