Field Information

You can query the index to get information about the fields that have been indexed.

A FullTextIndex class exposes a FieldLookup property of type IIndexedFieldLookup that can be used to query the index for information about the fields that have been indexed.

IIndexedFieldLookup exposes the following methods:


The id of the default field used when an IFullTextIndex{T}.AddAsync(T, string, System.Threading.CancellationToken) overload has been used, as opposed to indexing text read from properties of object.

GetFieldForId(byte id)

Gets the configured name for a field id.

GetFieldInfo(string fieldName)

Gets the configuration required for indexing a named field, including the Tokenization.TextExtraction.ITextExtractor and Tokenization.IIndexTokenizer instances to use when processing the field’s text.


This abstract class contains information about a field that has been configured for indexing.


  • Id: Gets the id of the field.
  • Name: Gets the name of the field.
  • ObjectType: Gets the type of the object the field is registered for.
  • FieldKind: Gets the kind of field this instance represents, either FieldKind.Static or FieldKind.Dynamic.
  • TextExtractor: Gets the ITextExtractor used to extract sections of text from this field.
  • Tokenizer: Gets the IIndexTokenizer that should be used when tokenizing text for the field.
  • Thesaurus: Gets the IThesaurus that should be used to expand tokens when processing text for this field.
  • DynamicFieldReaderName: Gets the name of the dynamic field reader that generated this field. If this field is not a dynamic field, this will be null.


  • ReadAsync(object item, CancellationToken cancellationToken): Reads the text for the field from the specified object. The object must be of the type specified by the ObjectType property.

IsKnownField(Type objectType, string fieldName)

Returns true if the given field name is known to the index and associated to the given object type, whether statically defined at index creation, or dynamically registered during indexing.


Gets the names of all fields configured in the index, including any dynamic fields that have been registered during the indexing of objects.

Last modified January 16, 2024: V6.0.0 (#107) (125ae87)