Query parser configuration
Configuring the default LIFTI QueryParser
FullTextIndexBuilder<TKey> WithQueryParser(Func<QueryParserBuilder, QueryParserBuilder> optionsBuilder)
By default LIFTI parses query text using the LIFTI query syntax. The behavior of the parser can be tweaked using this overload.
Providing a complete IQueryParser
FullTextIndexBuilder<TKey> WithQueryParser(IQueryParser queryParser)
Allows you to provide your own implementation of IQueryParser
capable of parsing text into an IQuery
To see an example of a custom IQueryParser
implementation, see this blog post.
QueryParserBuilder options
QueryParserBuilder.WithDefaultJoiningOperator(QueryTermJoinOperatorKind joiningOperator)
The default joining operator for queries is and
. This means that without explicitly adding in an &
or |
to a LIFTI query,
will be assumed, and all search terms must match in a document. This method allows you to choose between and
and or
the default joining operator.
When used, uses fuzzy matching for any parsed search terms that don’t contain
wildcard operators, i.e. you don’t need to prefix search terms with ?
QueryParserBuilder.WithFuzzySearchDefaults(ushort maxEditDistance, ushort maxSequentialEdits)
Configures the default parameters for a fuzzy search when not provided explicitly as part of the query. This overload
provides static values to use for the maximum edit distance and maximum sequential edits for a fuzzy search.
QueryParserBuilder.WithFuzzySearchDefaults(Func<int, ushort> maxEditDistance, Func<int, ushort> maxSequentialEdits)
Configures the default parameters for a fuzzy search when not provided explicitly as part of the query. This overload
allows for the maximum edit distance and maximum sequential edits for a fuzzy search to be calculated from the length
of a search term.
If either of these functions returns zero, then fuzzy matching will be disabled for the search term.
By default maxEditDistance
is calculated as termLength / 3
, which means that fuzzy matching will be disabled for any search term less than 2 characters. The default for maxSequentialEdits
is Max(1, termLength / 4)
, which means that no matter
how short the search term, at least one sequential edit is allowed.
See Fuzzy Matching.
QueryParserBuilder.WithQueryParserFactory(Func<QueryParserOptions, IQueryParser>)
Given a QueryParserOptions
, creates the implementation of IQueryParser
. You can use this to provide a
custom query parsing strategy.
Example usage
var index = new FullTextIndexBuilder<int>()
.WithQueryParser(o => o.AssumeFuzzySearch())