Batch Mutations

Each index mutation causes a new immutable snapshot to be generated. You can speed up the indexing process by calling BeginBatchChange before mutating the index and CommitBatchChangeAsync once all the mutations have been performed.
await index.AddAsync(1, "This is some text associated with A: fizz");
await index.AddAsync(2, "Some buzz text for B");
await index.AddAsync(3, "Text associated with C is both fizz and buzz");
await index.CommitBatchChangeAsync();

Only once CommitBatchChangeAsync has been called will the new data be available in the index for searching. If a search operation was to have been performed between any of the calls to AddAsync then the previous snapshot would have been used and it would be as if the new documents had not been added yet.

Last modified January 16, 2024: V6.0.0 (#107) (125ae87)