
You can use an IndexNavigator to navigate the index character by character.

When processing a search query, LIFTI leverages a class called IndexNavigator which allows for a character-by-character navigation of the index.

You can use an IndexNavigator to do the same thing yourself. The example below demonstrates the following methods:

  • IIndexNavigator.Process Navigates (forward only) the nodes in the index.
  • IIndexNavigator.GetExactMatches Gets all the matches at the current location in the index.
  • IIndexNavigator.GetExactAndChildMatches Gets the exact matches and any matches in subsequent child nodes. This is the equivalent to a wildcard search.
  • IIndexNavigator.EnumerateIndexedTokens Enumerates the words (tokens) that were indexed under the current location. This essentaially allows for a reverse-engineering of words stored in the index, albeit in their index normalized form.
public static async Task RunAsync()
    // Create a full text index with default settings
    var index = new FullTextIndexBuilder<string>().Build();

    // Index some sample data
    await index.AddAsync("Item1", "Catastrophe");
    await index.AddAsync("Item2", "Casualty");
    await index.AddAsync("Item3", "Cat");

    // To programatically search the index, create an index navigator instance 
    // from the index snapshot.
    using (var navigator = index.CreateNavigator())
        // Navigate through the letters 'C' and 'A' (these will be the characters in their 
        // *index normalized* form)

        // There will be no exact matches at the current position in the index, but 3 matches 
        // when considering child matches, i.e. words starting with "ca"
        // Writes: Exact matches: 0 Exact and child matches: 3

        // Navigating through the 'T' of Catastrophe and Cat, but not Casualty

        // Writes: Exact matches: 1 Exact and child matches: 2

        // Use EnumerateIndexedTokens to reverse-engineer the words that have been indexed
        // under the current location in the index, in their normalized form.
        // Writes:
        // CAT
        // CATASTROPHE
        foreach (var token in navigator.EnumerateIndexedTokens())

        // The Process method returns true if navigation was successful, and false otherwise:
        // Writes: True

        // Writes: False

public static void WriteMatchState(IIndexNavigator navigator)
    Console.WriteLine($@"Exact matches: {navigator.GetExactMatches().Matches.Count} 
Exact and child matches: {navigator.GetExactAndChildMatches().Matches.Count}");
Last modified July 5, 2023: V5.0.0 (#75) (0ddbcf7)